Hey, yo.

Heyy. Welcome to... this... site. This is where I'll post my daily ramblings and writings. =]

I'm thinking of actually starting a romance novel, which you'll think, if you know me, is extremely strange. But a budding author's gotta know how to write all different kinds of genres, right? Maybe the story'll thrive, maybe it'll die. One thing's for sure, I can't do anything 'til I finish developing my characters. Plus, that'll be AFTER I like, finish my other story... the nonexistent one. I have to finish it by the end of the summer to prove to myself that I can grow up to be an author.

Oh yeah. Midnight Zephyr Studio [MZS], which can be navigated to from the "Links" to the right, is an extension of this site where I'll put my pictures, graphics, drawings, etc. Take a look see.


PS: Everything on this website is copyrighted by the Dark Hooded Evil One. By no means shall you plagiarize.

PPS: If you'd like to comment, go to my blog, which can be navigated to by clicking "Dark's Corner" up in the righthand corner.

The First Poem. Ever.

Yo ho. I think this is the first poem I EVER WROTE. This was in like, 2nd grade. The start of my writing career. But I think I've progressed a LOT since then. XD

In the Summer

In the summer, flowers bloom,
In the summer, I saw a mushroom.
In the summer, smell a flower,
In the summer, take a shower

In the summer, on the earth,
The planet will show you what it’s worth.
It’s our job to keep it clean,
Before you eat some jellybeans

In the summer, always play,
In the summer, do it all day.
In the summer, don’t be a jerk,
In the summer, never work.

Locations of visitors to this page


Peggy: Ink and Parchment
Dark's School Blog
Midnight Zephyr Studio
The Swivel Chair
Jennifer: The Hourglass


11-1-08: Happy Halloweennn. And I repeat. LOTS. OF. HOMEWORK. New piece called Justified. is up in the Short Stories section.

9-26-08: Gahh. So much homework, I haven't had time to update. But two new pieces are now up in the Short Stories section...

7-1-08: A new poem has been put up in the Poetry section, entitled A Happier Place. Go look, I order you.

6-30-08: A new blog post entitled "Never fear, the Dark is here!" has been posted.

6-25-08: New header image... it goes for a naturesque look. Self-made, obviously.

6-12-08: HAPPY BIRTHDAY HELENA! And a new blog post, entitled "The Last Day" has been posted.

6-11-08: A new blog post called "The Last Day Approaches" has been posted. Take a look-see.